Why is the GOP onboard with homosexual unions? Politicians generally never risk associating themselves with what a majority of citizens consider to be radical—they see doing so as death to their campaign strategy for election or reelection.
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Saint Ignatius of Antioch Teaches Us the Goal of Human Life is God
The life and teaching of St. Ignatius clearly point to the sublime and lofty goal of human nature: eternal communion with God. Man is made for something—Someone—infinitely greater and higher than creatures or created things.
How the Protestant Revolution Lead to the Sexual Revolution
Is the Protestant revolution in the 16th century connected to the 20th-century sexual revolution in the U.S.?
The Existence of Angels is a Truth of the Catholic and Christian Faith
Today we celebrate the Memorial of the Guardian Angels. Here are a few interesting facts about angelic beings.
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What’s Wrong With ‘Once Saved Always Saved’?
Why “Once saved always saved” is false, unbiblical, and potentially spiritually dangerous.
Hurricane Helene and Physical Evils
As we pray for all those effected by the devastation in the wake of hurricane Helene, events like these also lead us to ask questions.
True vs False Ecumenism
What is true ecumenism? And what must Catholics always bear in mind when dialoguing not only with non-Catholic Christians but with non-Christians?
Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide
Meet Dr Philip Nitschke, also known as “Doctor Death,” founder of Exit International, a non-profit organization advocating for euthanasia and assisted suicide.
Even More Stuff
Memento Mori – Remember that you have to die
How often people say to themselves, “I will love God tomorrow,” but it never arrives because the next moment—so sudden and unexpected—brings an end to this earthly life.
Who is a “bad” Protestant?
Who is a “bad” Protestant? I know, it sounds silly or perhaps disingenuous, but it’s a serious question.
Saint Rose of Lima and The Way of Penance
Saint Rose of Lima is known for her vow of virginity at an early age, her constant devotion to Christ and the Virgin Mary, as well as her severe practices of mortification, penance, and fasting in order to unite herself to her Beloved.
The Rot of Sin vs the Light of Holiness
Every time we sin, it is as if we have forgotten God who gave us our very lives and sustains our life every moment.
The Assumption: The Virgin Mary goes before us in the Order of Grace
Let us this day renew our love for the Virgin Mary, who proceeds us in the order of grace, and who has travelled the path of life before her children in the Church. . . .
“Blessed are the Pure in Heart: They Shall See God” (Mt. 5:8)
How important is cultivating purity of heart for experiencing the presence of God? It is an endeavor of a crucial nature that culminates in an embrace of Divine Love beyond expression. “The day on which God has unrestricted power over our hearts we shall also have unrestricted power over his”—St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross