Remember the phrase, love the sinner but hate the sin? Sadly, it has fallen out of fashion for a newer, more popular one: Love me, love my sins.
Archives for May 2019
Are You Saved? Why Does This Question Surprise Catholics?
Are you saved? The entire biblical story is about that question. But why does it so often surprise Catholics?
I Make All Things New: A Reflection on The Healing Power of Christ
I have brokenness, and I have loved ones with brokenness. Whatever our response has been to the brokenness in our world, we need to inhale deeply of the truth that our Lord is the one who is making all things new.
Sin and Grace: the Thief and the Gift
Sin is a thief and grace is pure gift. Sin destroys and grace heals. I’ve found that the destruction and harm sin brings, especially sexual sin, comes back to haunt us again and again.
A Far Occasion Of Sin
As I watch a monk enjoy his meal, I look at my life, and I am greatly tempted to walk away from all of it. What do I have that I cannot do without?