Abortion is child-slaughter on the altar of the post-modern world. It has consumed the lives of 60 million pre-born children in the U.S since Roe v. Wade. The question is, do we recognize the gravity of this unspeakable evil, and what are we going to do about it? Perhaps most pressing of all, is what will we say to God if we have failed to oppose it?
By Daniel Sute
28 September 2020
Abortion is undoubtably the greatest evil of our times. Since Roe vs. Wade, in the United States alone over 60,000,000 human beings have been slaughtered under the auspices of “healthcare.” For every 100 babies that are born in our nation, 18 are killed. Each day, over 2,300 more babies die; almost 100 are killed by abortionists every hour. Throughout the world, a staggering 73 million unborn babies are murdered by their parents, politicians, and so-called “doctors,” each year. In contrast, the Nazi holocaust claimed only 11 million lives. It is abominable to suggest that any other societal issue is anywhere near the gravity of the ferocious rate of mass murder taking place in abortion facilities around the world.
Why is the thirst for abortion in our world today so much larger than was even the thirst for death of the Nazis during the Third Reich? Though many would baulk at such a suggestion, this comparison is not a matter of personal interpretation, but a simple numerical comparison. The Nazi’s murdered around 11 million, while abortionists murder 73 million each year. What’s more, what is it that warrants the vicious response of so many supporters of child-murder when the topic arises on social media platforms or in the public setting? To most Catholics, being pro-life is a philosophical position they may have accepted passively without much consideration of either its physical brutality, its depth of tragic evil, or its societal significance. In reality, abortion is the lynchpin of the entire 20th century liberal conquest of the world.
Post-modern liberalism, which indeed is today the default ideology of the entire world, requires the slaughter of innocent babies in order to uphold the lies that its ideology is built upon. Whereas Christianity offers its adherents the reward of eternal bliss, the post-modern left offers its subjects no-strings attached sexual pleasure, which depends upon abortion to “cut the strings,” of child-creation which is inherently attached to sexual pleasure. For this reason, eradicating abortion will never be a merely political matter. Wherever it is attempted, it will involve dethroning a ruling ideology, and will require a tremendous degree of social upheaval, and perhaps civil war.
Every conquest is conducted with a war; the late 20th century liberal conquest of the world likewise had their own. It was called the sexual revolution. Beginning in the 1960s, social movements took place throughout the world by which young people revolted against the sexual moral values of their elders in order to engage in a plethora of sexual activities ranging from sexual intimacy with acquaintances, to partners of the same sex, to mere fornication with significant others outside the context of marriage. The conflict of the sexual revolution is often thought to have been between college aged young people and the supposedly repressive generation that raised them. From this point of view, the parents of the sexual rebels presented a value system by which sex took place within marriage, a seemingly arbitrary societal institution, and the young people opted for a different value system, whereby sex could take place wherever the young people’s sexual desire led them.
In reality, however, the power structure being revolted against in the sexual revolution was not merely the arbitrary values of a generation of parents. In reality, it was an attempt to wrest sexual pleasure from nature itself. The sexual revolution was indeed a revolt against not man, but against nature, and by extension, against God, the author of the sexual act which the sexual revolutionaries sought to claim for themselves.
In a biology classroom, there would be little mistake made about the biological purpose of sex. It allows a sperm cell and egg cell to unite as a zygote, thus forming a new life. Sex is inherently life-generating; on the biological plane, that is why sex exists. Of course, in the human context, sex is not merely biological, as Karol Wojtyla articulated masterfully in Love and Responsibility, and requires the acknowledgement of the sexual partner as a person to be loved and not a thing to be used. All the same, sex does remain a life-generating act, when conducted by human beings. A simple way to say this is that “sex is a life-producing act.” It was this statement, irrefutable in any biology classroom, which the sexual revolution utterly revolted against. Their revolt consisted in the attempt to redefine sex as a merely pleasurable act, to be consumed at one’s desire.
In order to effect this redefinition of sex, the post-modern left first sought to tear down the societal institutions that prevented free license in sex. Throughout the world, the institution of marriage had been established as the parameters for sexual intercourse so that sex’s inherent product, new children, would have a stable environment in which to be raised. The institution of matrimony, established throughout the world as a logical response to the awareness of sex’s natural consequence, is a clear alignment of the vast majority of humanity with God’s original will for mankind, as matrimony was established by God in the book of Genesis and elevated to the status of Sacrament in the New Law. In Divine Revelation, it is clear that matrimony is not only a responsible institution for child-rearing, but also exists for the good of the spouses.
Nevertheless, the sexual revolution set to work in the 1960s to wrest sex, the treasure of matrimony, from this institution as it was found world-wide, either based on Divine decree or the natural law. Movies, songs, TV shows, and the expansion of the pornography and misnamed “adult entertainment,” industries from the 1960s onward demonstrate the victory of the post-modern liberals in the war of the sexual revolution; virtually no voices in popular cultures sixty years later demonstrate the conviction that sex ought be returned as the exclusive right of the sanctity of marriage.
All the same, once possessing the prize of sexual license, the post-modern left had to deal with the fact that when faced with their newly claimed sexual act, however successful they might have been with redefining its societal value, they were incapable of redefining its biological end: children. No matter the success of the sexual revolution in popular culture, in the ontological realm, sex still created life, as again, no biology class would ever disagree. What was to be done about that?
Contraceptives were the first lie of the sexual revolution. With a condom or the pill, sexual partners might prolong the illusion that sex was not a procreative act. With enough time, the oddness of a latex barrier between partners, or the questionable effects of a steady inundation of hormonal infertility-inducing medication could be normalized. After all, after the conquest of the sexual revolution over God’s order itself, it should be expected that sacrifices be made by the citizens of the post-modern world in order to maintain control over the newly claimed territory of sex, grasped out of the very hands of God.
Ultimately, however, the ability of contraceptives to subject sex as a beast of burden to the designs of man proved unfruitful (an ironic choice of word). No contraceptives, ultimately, were entirely effective at separating sex’s pleasure from its actual biological purpose. The result was horrifying to the post-modern left; children were still being conceived in the wombs of women that had engaged in post-modern sex. This was intolerable, for, as the post-modern left understands sex, it was merely a fun recreational act between mutually consenting adults; not an intrinsically life-generating act. What was to be done with the children of post-modern sex?
The war had now turned from the parents of the hippies to the hippies’ own children, who had involuntarily “invaded” their mother’s wombs with their sacred lives, unaware that their parents had engaged in post-modern sex, which was not supposed to involve the procreation of children. Thus, in the brave-new-world of the post-modern left, children could be sentenced to death for breaking the left’s most fundamental law: sex is nothing but a fun recreational act. Of course, this never has been true, and never can be true, since sex as a biological action exists in order to create new life. However, in order to uphold the lie that sex is nothing but a fun recreational act, “safe, legal access to abortion,” needed to be provided to as many people throughout the world as possible. That way, whenever a child should end up existing as a result of the biological action which produces children, citizens of the kingdom of the post-modern left would be able to quickly slaughter and dispose of that child and continue defining sex on their own terms.
Thus, abortion is the lynchpin of the post-modern left’s world empire, built off the victory of the sexual revolution. While most people today would not intuitively identify with the hippies of the sexual revolution, the reason for that is that most are citizens of the world created by the sexual revolutionaries, and revolution itself is now the law of the land. The fornication of James Bond movies, the sexual conquests of The Fresh Prince of Bell-Aire, happy-go-lucky sitcoms like Scrubs, the sexualized music and music videos that saturate the radios and YouTube feeds, and the rite-of-passage of ‘losing one’s virginity,’ in high school are all plethora evidence that the world we live in today is ruled by the ideology of the sexual revolutionaries of the 1960s. In each of these instances, sex is celebrated as a fun activity separated from child-creation.
Abortion is needed in order to maintain this lie. The command posts of the empire of post-modern liberalism, of which most of our society is citizens of, are the Planned Parenthoods and miscellaneous abortion facilities that dot our metropolitan areas. Wherever there is an abortion facility, the lie of unrestricted sexual license is perpetuated through the brutal sacrifice of millions of babies who get in the way of the post-modern definition of sex.
Abortion itself is a deceptive euphemism, as is the entire sexual ethos of the society which defends it. What is being “aborted,” is a woman’s pregnancy. How this is accomplished is the slaughter of a vulnerable, innocent child. Child-slaughter is a much more truthful depiction of the cost of our post-modern world’s institutionalized revolt against God in order to acquire sex for itself. In order to claim sex from its ontological position in the order of nature, mankind has had to systematically slaughter billions of children who are the inescapable natural result of the sexual act.
Why do so many people viciously defend the legalization of child-slaughter in our nation today? These are, most likely, the ones who understand that the sexual ethos which the entire post-modern world, and perhaps their own personal lives, depend upon require the ability to quickly and effortlessly discard of the life created by sex whenever such life should come to exist. Of course, a variety of arguments have arisen to defend our society’s institution of quick, easy, mass-child slaughter; all of them deflect, at all costs, attention away from the innocent life within the womb who is the sacrifice to be offered to the idol of unrestricted sexual license. The most pathetic of all of these arguments, in my opinion, is that uttered by men who shamelessly pretend that their defense of abortion is a noble and selfless effort to protect the rights of women. In reality, abortion serves the lie of unrestricted sexual license for depraved men just as well as women, as men too require liberation from the burden of new life if they are to continue engaging in sex as a “fun recreational activity between consenting adults.”
Now, as this blog’s title tells, in all truth, there is to be found joy; where sin is ugliest, God’s Word is “a lamp for my feet, a light for my path,” (Psalm 119:105). Most of us who were born after the 1960s were born and raised citizens of the post-modern world. The media we consumed and the attitudes we encountered utterly normalized a contraceptive mentality, by which sex itself was defined ontologically as pleasure seeking activity, rather than a child creating one. The good news, the “Joy in Truth,” which all refugees of the post-modern world can discover is that God’s plan for sex is incomparably richer than the “uses,” of sex proposed by the ruling ideology of the day.
Read: Selective abortion might have ended my life.
The world promises cheap sexual enjoyment. It needn’t be explained that what is cheap is, fundamentally, not worth very much. God offers to those called to matrimony not only sexual enjoyment, but a spousal relationship which affirms the dignity of the bodies of the two persons given over to the sexual act as being worthy of nothing less than a lifelong, permanent commitment. Furthermore, sex in the context of matrimony is reverential of sex’s position in the order of nature. Responding to Pope Francis’s call to live as responsible stewards of creation must begin not with planting trees, though it might lead there. Rather, it must begin with revering human sexuality’s place in nature, which is being exploited by our post-modernist world at a rate which is far more egregious than the exploitation of trees.
God’s response to the sexual revolution, and the international society built upon its premises, will come to bear upon us all. The social and moral wresting of sex from the order of nature is one crime, while the slaughter of billions of unborn children to uphold the man-made redefinition of sex is quite the other crime. Those who participate in the sexual ethos of the post-modern world will be held in one regard, and those Catholics who have done quite little to reclaim sex from the city of man for the city of God will be held in another regard. In all instances, God’s mercy is evident clearly in that a much more severe and exacting punishment would have been well warranted on our nation and our world decades ago as the scourge of abortion has consumed the surface of the earth. Though our Lord is slow to anger and rich in kindness, the fact remains that murder is one of the four sins which cry out to Heaven and, in all of human history, there has literally never been a greater amount of cries of this charge to reach the heavenly throne. To be sure, God has heard the cries of the billions of the murdered unborn, crying out for vengeance. The reasons for the Lord’s delay only He knows; all the same, His delay might end tomorrow. When He exacts His punishment upon the world for its promotion and toleration of the murder of billions of unborn, may we be found on the side of righteousness in the face of the incontestably greatest evil of our times.

Daniel Sute is an elementary teacher and catechist in the Archdiocese of Detroit. He is currently pursuing his Masters Degree in History at Fort Hays State University. Daniel is happily married to his wife as of July, 2020.
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