Catholic apologetics is a reasoned defense of the Christian faith in its fullness, which seeks to convince others of the truth of the Catholic Church founded by Jesus Christ two-thousand years ago. Apologetics does not rely on Scripture alone, since the true Christian religion transmitted by the Church does not rely on Scripture alone either, but rather on Sacred Tradition and Sacred Scripture under the authority of the Magisterium, as a threefold oneness of truth.
Further, it is important to understand that the Catholic Faith is not in any way opposed to reason, but rather is in harmony with it. Therefore the human intellect is illuminated, nourished and expanded by the true faith of the Church as we assent to God’s revealed truth.
Apologetics, however, does not simply seek to defend the Faith, but rather is an integral aspect of the Catholic life and the mission of evangelization. A sound grasp of apologetics infuses the individual with a greater and more secure knowledge of the true Christian religion, which enables him or her to more effectively reach out to others who sincerely desire a cogent explanation of the truth.
For articles on subjects which relate to apologetics, please see the “apologetics” link under categories.