by F. K. Bartels
23 November 2009
In his letter dated September 26, 2009, Archbishop Raymond Burke noted the “critical” struggle Americans face today in combating the culture of death that is so bent on spreading its agenda to an ever-greater extent.
“It is clear that we are experiencing today a period of intense and critical struggle in the advancement of the culture of life in our nation. The administration of our federal government openly and aggressively follows a secularist agenda. While it may employ religious language and even invoke the name of God, in fact, it proposes programs and policies for our people without respect for God and His Law. In the words of the Servant of God Pope John Paul II, it proceeds ‘as if God did not exist.’”
While Archbishop Burke’s letter was published two months ago, it is still particularly relevant, for the “intense” and “critical” struggle rages on in the debate over the health care reform bill currently moving through Committee.
There is no doubt that this struggle, between respecting life and intentionally extinguishing it, is one which, if lost, could very well result in the downfall of our nation. That is, we cannot hope to succeed as a society and nation if we are set against God’s commands. A nation at odds with God is a nation built on a mud foundation, one which will easily wash away in the rain.
Currently, the intentional killing of unborn children exceeds 3,000 per day. There is a river of blood flowing. And many of our political leaders have willingly aligned themselves with this diabolical evil.
If we truly want to be Christian, if we truly desire to follow God, if we truly stand for peace and justice, we cannot ignore the plight of our most innocent first neighbors. To care for the poor and marginalized is to first care for the helpless unborn. If we are unconcerned over the intentional killing of these littlest children, how can we say we are concerned for the poor, the homeless, the hungry? For our unborn children, as Mother Teresa said, are “the poorest of the poor.” They are in a most helpless state; they cannot speak, they cannot cry out; in silence they succumb to the fatal attacks of abortionists, dying at the hands of physicians whose deadly actions are protected by Civil Law.
Archbishop Burke is a bishop who has won the hearts of those Catholics in love with God and the truth. He is truly a pro-life champion. He is a humble and effective warrior for the cause of what is right, what is moral, what is true. With wonderful straightforwardness, he speaks what must be heard, announces with clarity and civility what is wrong, and sheds a direct light on what must be changed.
If you’re a Catholic or other Christian in love with the truth, read his letter. It will move you.
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Deacon Frederick Bartels is a member of the Catholic clergy who serves the Church in the diocese of Pueblo. He holds an MA in Theology and Educational Ministry, and is a Catholic educator, public speaker, and evangelist who strives to infuse culture with the saving principles of the gospel. For more, visit YouTube, iTunes and Twitter.
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