Why is the GOP onboard with homosexual unions? Politicians generally never risk associating themselves with what a majority of citizens consider to be radical—they see doing so as death to their campaign strategy for election or reelection.
Saint Ignatius of Antioch Teaches Us the Goal of Human Life is God
The life and teaching of St. Ignatius clearly point to the sublime and lofty goal of human nature: eternal communion with God. Man is made for something—Someone—infinitely greater and higher than creatures or created things.
How the Protestant Revolution Lead to the Sexual Revolution
Is the Protestant revolution in the 16th century connected to the 20th-century sexual revolution in the U.S.?
The Existence of Angels is a Truth of the Catholic and Christian Faith
Today we celebrate the Memorial of the Guardian Angels. Here are a few interesting facts about angelic beings.
What’s Wrong With ‘Once Saved Always Saved’?
Why “Once saved always saved” is false, unbiblical, and potentially spiritually dangerous.