Why is the Solemnity of The Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, important—essential even—for Christians?
A Christmas Reflection on Trust In Providence
We often set off on an unceasing quest to distance ourselves from every anxiety, and thus begin to live in such a way as to constantly seek change for “the better.” There is a self-inflicted stress in such a life; a nervous movement toward some savored goal.
Pre-Tribulation Rapture?
Christians who are alive on earth just prior to the second coming of Christ will experience a “final trail,” a “final unleashing of evil,” and a “final cosmic upheaval” before the Lord returns in glory at the last judgment.
Advent and Homesickness
I’m sure you’re familiar with homesickness. Perhaps you, like me, feel a little homesick right now. Perhaps you, like me, feel as if you’re never really home, no matter where you go, no matter where you live.
The Church Fathers and Their Importance
It’s not uncommon for people to portray a fundamental misunderstanding of not only who the Church Fathers are, but also the place they hold in terms of expounding Catholic doctrine.