Exorcists recommend a day of reparation “for the purpose of driving out any diabolic influence within the Church that has been gained as a result of recent events” at the Amazon Synod.
Sr. Agnes Sasagawa of Akita Receives Private Revelation on October 6, 2019
Sr. Agnes Sasagawa received a private revelation, apparently from her guardian angel, on October 6, 2019—the very day the Amazon Synod opened.
Joe Biden Is Denied Holy Communion
Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden was recently denied Holy Communion by Fr. Robert Morey for obstinately persevering in manifest grave sin. Thank God for this holy priest who was courageous enough to do the right thing.
Living And Dying Catholic: ‘I Have Finished The Race. I Have Kept The Faith’
Living and dying Catholic means running the race with dedication, as did St. Paul, displaying an ardent desire to boldly proclaim the gospel and the faith of the one, true Church—even if it means death.
St. John Paul II and his Message of Mercy Continue to Light the World
St. John Paul II, through his love for Jesus, and through his love for Mary whose “fiat” brought Mercy into the world, will be remembered as a humble and living image of what we all seek. His words, his careful and masterful teaching of the mysteries of Christ’s life, will continue to echo in our hearts and lives.