Let us this day renew our love for the Virgin Mary, who proceeds us in the order of grace, and who has travelled the path of life before her children in the Church. . . .
Discipleship, Evangelization, and Salting The Earth
Disciples of Christ are called to intentionally be the light of Christ, “salting the earth” with the saving gospel message.
The Eucharist: It’s More Than Just A Meal
Each Sunday millions of Catholics gather the world over to celebrate an event of cosmic proportions: an event in which the meaning of time itself unfolds; an event of incomparable joy in which the eschatological dimension of man’s existence is encountered, and on which the foundation of hope and joy held in every Christian heart is based.
The Eucharist is Christ: All Else in Life is Expendable
The American novelist Flannery O’Connor once commented about how the Eucharist was the center of her existence. “All the rest of life is expendable,” she said. If we plumb the depths of the Eucharist in faith, we are met with the fact that we cannot live without it.
Lust: Path into Darkness
As Aquinas observes in the Summa, the vice of lust gravely disorders the powers of reason and will.