A man would have to be quite taken with himself to fail to notice things “aren’t quite right.” Sometimes, he can’t put his finger on precisely what is wrong, aside from the obvious effects of the carpet bombing of sin.
The Church: Visible and Invisible
In his book, The Splendor of the Church, Henri de Lubac wrote of a dangerous dissociation often made about the Church. This error is rooted in the Protestant revolution which occurred in the early 16th century, and has, unfortunately, continued to the present among non-Catholic Christians.
Enter Into Intimate Communion with Christ: It’s the Only Way to Live
Prayer is about much more than “getting saved.” It is the key to really living. Prayer is the doorway to human fulfillment, joy, and unending happiness.
Sometimes People Call Me The “Good Thief”
Sometimes people call me the “good thief.” Believe me, there’s no such thing as a “good thief.” I am the repentant thief. Today I’m called St. Dismas, but that title means nothing to me.
Video: From Atheism to Deism to Christ and Catholic
I’ve published this video of Jeff Casey’s story because it’s important for all of us. It’s the story of so many people today who are searching, who have lost their way, and have perhaps suffered the disastrous effects of the shallow lies of the New Atheism and the darkness it brings.