How much do you trust the US Government, its institutions, the pharmaceutical industry, and the major news outlets? History dictates that we should be highly skeptical of these entities.
By Deacon Frederick Bartels
5 February 2022
Although the numbers are beginning to wane, there remains a large swath of people in the US today who are convinced of this obvious fallacy: The government, its institutions, the media and the pharmaceutical industry can be trusted. But can they? Can we trust the CDC and the FDA, with their connections to and funding from the pharmaceutical industrial complex? Are major news outlets doing their job as journalists, digging into situations in an effort to discover and report the truth, or are they parroting a predetermined narrative based on an agenda in order to insulate a “protected class”?
Should anyone trust so-called COVID 19 vaccines (which are, by the way, still in the experimental category) that were developed in record time by major pharmaceutical companies with a history of manipulating data, deliberate deceit, and releasing drugs known to be dangerous to the public? Is it wise to trust that these companies have our best interests in mind when they are free from all product liability for these experimental treatments and when they stand to make billions from developing, producing, and distributing these treatments? Should we rush in to take “advantage” of their “promises” when these treatments find their genesis in children who were murdered in order to harvest their cells for the production of cell lines used to test and/or develop these treatments?
Consider for a moment this one small fact which highlights the sociopathic habits of the pharmaceutical industry: a vaccine adjuvant suspected of causing Gulf War Syndrome called “squalene,” and which fell into disrepute as a result, has been added into the influenza vaccine under the new name “MF59.” The point is, the more we learn about the pharmaceutical industry, the more aware we become of its willingness to engage in dangerous schemes and sacrifice human life for profits.
There are many people who know full well that we cannot trust the government and its institutions, US media, and the pharmaceutical industry. These are people informed by the current evidence and by the evidence from history. They are highly skeptical of these institutions because they are schooled in human nature 101: they’re aware of the fact that man is fallen. Our wounded human nature opens up individuals to cooperate in evil schemes for the sake of obtaining power, wealth, and fame. Evil thoughts that come out of the heart of man are in no short supply (cf. Matt 15:19).
Unfortunately, however, there are many others who seem unable to fathom the fact that these institutions are not to be trusted. They seem oblivious to the critical necessity to maintain watch. As a result, a large slice of the American public is duped by the narrative, convinced that its message is trustworthy and deems anything that opposes it as “misinformation.” In that vein, the technocrats have decided to regulate free speech so as to keep everyone’s minds free from what they consider to be pollutants. But who’s doing the polluting, those controlling free speech or those protecting it?
The instances of substantive evidence pointing to corruption and manipulation in these institutions is mind-numbingly high. Consider, for a moment, a few other important facts: 90% of the major media news outlets in the US are operated under the umbrella of a paltry handful of six corporations, which in turn are tied to about 15 billionaires—and we all know these billionaires care very much about the average American. Bear in mind, also, that these media outlets often receive highly lucrative advertisement funding from the pharmaceutical industry. Furthermore, they’re often deeply tied to the Democrat platform and work very hard at protecting their cherished culture-of-death party line.
Ever ask yourself, “Why does every talking head in the news parrot the same script?” Why is it that all the major news outlets serve to protect and promote a particular political agenda? Why do they consistently, in lockstep, choose to ignore important stories? One does not have to look far to find the obvious answer.
Ignorance of History
It’s often said that those who are ignorant of history are doomed to repeat it. For those of you who are convinced that the US government, medical industry, media, and institutions like the CDC, FDA, CIA, and FBI are trustworthy, you should know that history is rife with terrifying examples of ethical violations and malicious activities by doctors, pharmaceutical companies, and government entities that were ignored and/or covered up.
Obviously, this doesn’t mean that every single aspect of these entities is dangerous or that every person associated with them is a corrupt evil doer. There are good people in these various institutions. However, the corruption runs far and wide and many people working in these institutions who notice it say nothing.
Let’s take a look at some examples in history. At the time of this writing, all of the following information is publicly available on this Wikipedia page, which includes citations for anyone who cares to do their own analysis. The quotes below offer just a few examples of many other instances of evil activities.
Can You Always Trust Doctors?
“In 1896, Dr. Arthur Wentworth performed spinal taps on 29 young children, without the knowledge or consent of their parents, at Children’s Hospital Boston (now Boston Children’s Hospital) in Boston, Massachusetts to discover whether doing so would be harmful.”
“In 1911, Dr. Hideyo Noguchi of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research in Manhattan, New York City injected 146 hospital patients (some of whom were children) with a syphilis extract. He was later sued by the parents of some of the child subjects, who allegedly contracted syphilis as a result of his experiments.”
Researchers Experiment on Orphaned Children
“In 1908, three Philadelphia researchers infected dozens of children with tuberculin at St. Vincent Orphanage in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, causing permanent blindness in some of the children and painful lesions and inflammation of the eyes in many of the others. In the study, they refer to the children as ‘material used.’”
The Tuskegee Experiment
The Tuskegee syphilis experiment was a clinical study conducted between 1932 and 1972 in Tuskegee, Alabama, by the U.S. Public Health Service. As quoted from Wikipedia:
In the experiment, 399 impoverished black males who had syphilis were offered “treatment” by the researchers, who did not tell the test subjects that they had syphilis and did not give them treatment for the disease, but rather just studied them to chart the progress of the disease. By 1947, penicillin became available as treatment, but those running the study prevented study participants from receiving treatment elsewhere, lying to them about their true condition, so that they could observe the effects of syphilis on the human body. By the end of the study in 1972, only 74 of the test subjects were alive. 28 of the original 399 men had died of syphilis, 100 were dead of related complications, 40 of their wives had been infected, and 19 of their children were born with congenital syphilis. The study was not shut down until 1972, when its existence was leaked to the press, forcing the researchers to stop in the face of a public outcry.
Can You Trust the Government?
“In June 1953, the United States Army formally adopted guidelines regarding the use of human subjects in chemical, biological, or radiological testing and research, where authorization from the Secretary of the Army was now required for all research projects involving human subjects. Under the guidelines, seven research projects involving chemical weapons and human subjects were submitted by the Chemical Corps for Secretary of the Army approval in August 1953. One project involved vesicants, one involved phosgene, and five were experiments which involved nerve agents; all seven were approved.
“The guidelines, however, left a loophole; they did not define what types of experiments and tests required such approval from the Secretary. Operation Top Hat was among the numerous projects not submitted for approval. It was termed a “local field exercise” by the Army and took place from September 15–19, 1953, at the Army Chemical School at Fort McClellan, Alabama. The experiments used Chemical Corps personnel to test decontamination methods for biological and chemical weapons, including sulfur mustard and nerve agents. The personnel were deliberately exposed to these contaminants, were not volunteers, and were not informed of the tests. In a 1975 Pentagon Inspector General’s report, the military maintained that Operation Top Hat was not subject to the guidelines requiring approval because it was a line of duty exercise in the Chemical Corps.”
“In 1953, the CIA placed several of its interrogation and mind-control programs under the direction of a single program, known by the code name MKULTRA, after CIA director Allen Dulles complained about not having enough “human guinea pigs to try these extraordinary techniques”. The MKULTRA project was under the direct command of Dr. Sidney Gottlieb of the Technical Services Division. The project received over $25 million, and involved hundreds of experiments on human subjects at eighty different institutions.”
In a memo describing the purpose of one MKULTRA program subprogram, Richard Helms wrote in an internal CIA memo:
We intend to investigate the development of a chemical material which causes a reversible, nontoxic aberrant mental state, the specific nature of which can be reasonably well predicted for each individual. This material could potentially aid in discrediting individuals, eliciting information, and implanting suggestions and other forms of mental control.”
In 1954, the CIA developed a project called QKHILLTOP, which was created to “study Chinese brainwashing techniques, and to develop effective methods of interrogation. Most of the early studies are believed to have been performed by the Cornell University Medical School’s human ecology study programs, under the direction of Dr. Harold Wolff. Wolff requested that the CIA provide him any information they could find regarding “threats, coercion, imprisonment, deprivation, humiliation, torture, ‘brainwashing’, ‘black psychiatry’, and hypnosis, or any combination of these, with or without chemical agents.”
According to Dr. Harold Wolff, the research team would then:
… assemble, collate, analyze and assimilate this information and will then undertake experimental investigations designed to develop new techniques of offensive/defensive intelligence use … Potentially useful secret drugs (and various brain damaging procedures) will be similarly tested to ascertain the fundamental effect upon human brain function and upon the subject’s mood … Where any of the studies involve potential harm of the subject, we expect the Agency to make available suitable subjects and a proper place for the performance of the necessary experiments.”
Pharmacological Research
“At Harvard University, in the late 1940s, researchers began performing experiments in which they tested diethylstilbestrol, a synthetic estrogen, on pregnant women at the Lying-In Hospital of the University of Chicago. The women experienced an abnormally high number of miscarriages and babies with low birth weight (LBW). None of the women were told that they were being experimented on.”
But Haven’t Things Changed?
Let us not think for one moment that simply because these atrocities occurred sometime in the past, people are immune from engaging in such evil activities in the present. Human nature has not changed.
I leave you with one last example to prove the point:
In his book, The Real Anthony Fauci, Robert Kennedy writes: “As late as 1989, the CDC conducted lethal experiments with a hazardous measles vaccine on Black children in Cameroon, Haiti, and South-Central Los Angeles, killing dozens of little girls before halting the program.”
The people conducting these experiments would have likely insisted they were done for the good of others, even as they watched innocent little girls die as a result, shattering the hearts of their parents. How often have these kinds of things been done in the name of “science” or “public health”?
“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.” —C. S. Lewis
Finally, let us ask, “How often have men stood by while atrocities were committed and said nothing?” William L. Shirer, wrote in The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich:
The Nazi medical experiments are an example of this sadism, for in the use of concentration camp inmates and prisoners of war as human guinea pigs very little, if any, benefit to science was achieved. It is a tale of horrors of which the German medical profession cannot be proud. Although the ‘experiments’ were conducted by fewer than two hundred murderous quacks— albeit some of them held eminent posts in the medical world—their criminal work was known to thousands of leading physicians of the Reich, not a single one of whom, so far as the record shows, ever uttered the slightest public protest.
Is that situation going on today?

Deacon Frederick Bartels is a member of the Catholic clergy who serves the Church in the diocese of Pueblo. He holds an MA in Theology and Educational Ministry, and is a Catholic educator, public speaker, and evangelist who strives to infuse culture with the saving principles of the gospel. For more, visit YouTube, iTunes and Twitter.
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