Peter and the Papacy: In today’s gospel, Jesus takes Peter back to that moment in time when, at a charcoal fire, he denied him three times. But now, before this new charcoal fire, things are very different.
Relativism: The Societal Poison of our Age
Relativism undermines the purpose of the human intellect, which is to seek, find and know the truth, most especially the ultimate Truth: God. Consequently, it is not only an affront to human dignity but also damages individuals and society, working to prevent people from attaining their destiny in eternal communion with God.
Human Dignity, the Moral Law, and Mandated Vaccinations
Whatever you might think about the Covid 19 vaccines, forcing or coercing people to receive them against their will is a violation of human dignity.
Palm Sunday: Why Did Jesus Have To Die On A Roman Cross?
Was it absolutely necessary for Jesus to be brutally crucified on a Roman cross in order to redeem humankind? Could God have chosen some other way? Perhaps. But I cannot think of a better way.
‘Jesus is not God,’ Say Majority of Americans
Jesus is not God but merely a “good moral teacher”? Well … that’s a problem, for many reasons. One of which is the argument CS Lewis made: if Jesus is not Lord, as he claimed to be, then he must be either a liar or a lunatic, which means he can’t be a “good” moral teacher.