Why is it logically and theologically correct to say that salvation is attained through Mary?
Catholic Life
Happy New Year 2025: To Begin Again
With the differing time zones, the celebrations of the New Year are staggered around the globe as we welcome the end of one calendar year in the secular arena and the beginning of a new one.
Love is Born on Christmas Morn, and the World is Born Anew
The Christian faith claims that God is more than an idea, more than the summit of all the aspirations of the human heart.
A Christmas Reflection on Trust In Providence
We often set off on an unceasing quest to distance ourselves from every anxiety, and thus begin to live in such a way as to constantly seek change for “the better.” There is a self-inflicted stress in such a life; a nervous movement toward some savored goal.
Pre-Tribulation Rapture?
Christians who are alive on earth just prior to the second coming of Christ will experience a “final trail,” a “final unleashing of evil,” and a “final cosmic upheaval” before the Lord returns in glory at the last judgment.