Through these latter days of Christmas, remember that Jesus is born to us sinners. He did not come because we earned it, but because of his extravagant love.
Catholic Life
St. John of the Cross: A Soul in Love Shows us the Way to the Manger
“When you looked at me your eyes imprinted your grace in me; for this you loved me ardently; and thus my eyes deserved to adore what they beheld in you”—St. John of The Cross
Praying Our Friends to Heaven
Praying our friends to heaven is a good way to spend our November, and it might result in a throng of people who will thank us.
Deeper Roots in the Spiritual Life
Deeper roots in the spiritual life, not unlike the deep roots of an elderberry tree, have a better chance of producing a bountiful harvest.
The Rocky Soil
The rocky soil is emblematic of our modern collapse of Christendom. Only God can enrich the soil of our hearts.