Bearing witness to Christ and his Church is the primary mission of the Christian disciple. Pope St. John Paul II noted that intentional and regular participation in the salvific mission of Christ constitutes the deepest level of conversion in a person.
Catholic Life
Should Catholics Do Yoga?
As popular as Hatha yoga is in America, it’s important to understand it may not always be wise to engage in its practice. When yoga is considered in its full spectrum, it’s difficult to see how it can be compatible with the Christian faith transmitted by the Church.
I Am The Vine, You Are The Branches
Jesus’ plan is to unite us to himself in a mysterious, complete, loving, permanent, and perfect way. Ask yourself, is it possible to find where a vine ends and its branches begin? Our life with Christ is intended to be of such an intimate nature that we are to truly become one with him.
Baptism In The Holy Spirit: Unleashing His Divine Love, Joy, and Power
When a baptized Christian finally gives himself over to Christ fully and sincerely in faith, God is thus allowed, given permission, to work in his soul. The graces of baptism and the activities of the Holy Spirit are thus “realized.” The experience is a powerful “flourishing” or “unfolding” of the Holy Spirit in the person in which the gifts and fruits of the Spirit are unleashed.
Adoration of The Blessed Sacrament and Jesus’ Healing Power
The Eucharist is the source and summit of the Church and the Christian life. All the Church’s vitality and energy flow forth from it.