Every time we sin, it is as if we have forgotten God who gave us our very lives and sustains our life every moment.
Discipleship, Evangelization, and Salting The Earth
Disciples of Christ are called to intentionally be the light of Christ, “salting the earth” with the saving gospel message.
The Dogma of The Holy Trinity as Gift from God
What do we know of this wondrous mystery of three divine, distinct Persons who are one God? It is unfortunate that there is a rather prevalent and inconsiderate habit of not thinking too deeply about the Trinity. True, the doctrine can seem dauntingly confusing. It is, after all, ultimately a strict mystery.
Catholic Guilt
“Catholic guilt over past sins shows that Catholics have no real faith in Christ, his grace and his mercy. It’s a sign of their reliance on works for salvation.”
The Resurrection of The Dead: A Truth of The Catholic and Christian Faith
Today, I spoke to Dave about upcoming Holy Week, Easter, and the resurrection of Christ. I asked him if he believed in the resurrection. It’s a dogma of the faith. It gives us great hope for the future. Unfortunately, he shook his head “no.”