“Come, follow Me.” Have you heard those words? If you haven’t, you’ve not been paying attention. Maybe you’ve been too immersed in the noise of the world. Maybe you’ve plugged your ears. Maybe you’re afraid. Hurt. Injured.
Thoughts For Today
God Reigns In The Christian Home
How many people do we personally know that inspire us to pursue holiness? Saintly inspiration is more than merely attending church functions or choosing the “Catholic” label on social media. It requires a passionate surrendering of our entire self to Jesus Christ.
A Modern Parable about Authentic Evangelization
Evangelization is about more than simply going out and giving witness to Jesus Christ. For any evangelization to be effective, it must be backed up by a sound structure of liturgy and catechesis at the parish level.
The Complementarity of Faith and Science
We live in a scientific age that lays heavy stress upon the importance of empirical observation and data. Some believe that only science is a reliable source of valid evidence and information. Where does this leave faith? Are faith and science incompatible?
Are You Saved? Why Does This Question Surprise Catholics?
Are you saved? The entire biblical story is about that question. But why does it so often surprise Catholics?