Meet Dr Philip Nitschke, also known as “Doctor Death,” founder of Exit International, a non-profit organization advocating for euthanasia and assisted suicide.
Thoughts For Today
Who is a “bad” Protestant?
Who is a “bad” Protestant? I know, it sounds silly or perhaps disingenuous, but it’s a serious question.
Reflecting on Motivation
Motivation is the driving force behind our actions, sometimes expressed as feelings, at other times it is that reason that gives us that strength to push through rough times and fight for a goal.
Seven Ways to Make Good Friday of the Lord’s Passion More Fruitful in Your Life
It is always a challenge to enter more deeply into the spirit of Good Friday of the Lord’s Passion. I often feel as if I cannot get where I want to be. As if the celebration of the passion of the Lord doesn’t penetrate my heart and life as much as it should—or as much as I want it to.
Why IVF is Gravely Immoral
IVF replaces the procreative act of love reserved for married spouses with lab technicians in order to bring children into being in vitro (in glass). Many of these lab-conceived-children are held in cryo-storage indefinitely or used for experimentation.