Do you schedule time for prayer or is it something last on your list of things to do? What does it mean to pray? Jesus graced us with the perfect prayer, called the “Lord’s Prayer.”
By Lauren Heaton
15 June 2017
Too often in our lives, we “settle” with our prayer time. We naturally struggle to pray and try to define what a good prayer really is. I have found my own prayer relationship with God has ebbed as I’ve grown up. How I pray has changed course from time to time, sometimes my words rushing like a river during spring snowmelt, and other times I would find myself at a loss for words, feeling as dry, rocky creek bed.
Regardless of feelings, we must continue to pray daily, but I do encourage you to mix things up every once in a while. If you are unsure of what “mixing up your prayer life” should look like, try going back to Matthew 6:5-15 or Luke 11:1-13, where Jesus gives us the Our Father prayer. Ponder each line, read it aloud and listen as the Holy Spirit opens the ears of your heart, so to grow deeper in your understanding of prayer and his love.
I did this very thing a little while back and wrote down what is almost a personal translation of the Our Father prayer for myself at that time in my life.
Our Father
(My beautiful, loving Father. Hold me close)
Who art in Heaven
(Rules above all the earth, whom shall I fear?)
Hallowed be thy name
(Holy, holy, holy cry! There is power in the name of Jesus!)
Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done
(Let your will be done in my life)
On earth, as it is in heaven
(Let the world go according to your heavenly plan)
Give us this day, our daily bread
(God will provide, there is no need to worry or try to control)
And forgive us our trespasses
(God have mercy on us)
As we forgive those who trespass against us
(Lord help us to forgive!)
And lead us not into temptation
(God, grant us the grace to avoid whatever leads me to sin)
But deliver us from all evil
(Save us, Savior of the world)
Do not be discouraged if you feel like you do not know how to pray! Take heart if you pray but feel as if God is answering you with silence. With perseverance, prayer, and guidance of the Holy Spirit, we can all pray as we ought. “Persevere in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving” (Colossians 4:2).
Holy Spirit come, teach us to pray.
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Photo Credit: Lauren Heaton, all rights reserved. Used with permission.

Lauren is a young Catholic professional working in the marketing industry. She loves working with high schoolers and leads a high school youth group. She is also passionate about leading a young women’s bible study, is on the leadership team for West Denver 2:42 a young adult ministry and sings at her church. Lauren is a modest fashion enthusiast, pancake connoisseur, promoter of faith and fitness, and lover of all things family oriented.
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