How many people do we personally know that inspire us to pursue holiness? Saintly inspiration is more than merely attending church functions or choosing the “Catholic” label on social media. It requires a passionate surrendering of our entire self to Jesus Christ.
Brandon Harvey
A Modern Parable about Authentic Evangelization
Evangelization is about more than simply going out and giving witness to Jesus Christ. For any evangelization to be effective, it must be backed up by a sound structure of liturgy and catechesis at the parish level.
Kerygma 101: The Proclamation of the Gospel
What does it mean to evangelize and how does the preaching of the gospel or “kerygma” of the Church fit in? Pope St. John Paul II noted that any kerygma focused program would be incomplete if it omitted an invitation to ongoing catechesis and full communion with the Church for non-Catholics, and, on the other hand, a return to full communion with the Church for Catholics who have drifted away.