One mistake Christians sometimes make is they pray an Our Father or a Hail Mary, but do not really open their heart and communicate with God. In the first place, prayer is primarily a communication between you and God. Don’t leave yourself and your heart out of it!
Seeking Happiness This Christmas?
The Son of God became man, born of the Virgin Mary as a humble child, in order to offer you the opportunity to experience true fulfillment, peace and happiness everlasting.
The Parable of the Rich Man
What leads to permanent and lasting happiness? As Jesus points out, becoming “rich in what matters to God” is the key. When we place God first, and love our neighbor as another self, we soon begin to experience a perceptible, lasting happiness that is not of this world. It is “other-worldly” because it does not originate from our interior, from creatures or material possessions, but from God himself, whose bountiful love fills us with true and lasting peace, joy and happiness.
Faithful Observance of the Commandments
In order to pursue the good wholeheartedly, it is necessary to truly love the good, to see it as a highly desirable treasure. The ancient philosopher Plato understood that if we love the good, our emotions and dispositions will move toward it spontaneously and with a sense of delight.
Second Sunday of Advent: Do You Want To Experience the Kingdom of Heaven?
The kingdom of heaven is primarily about loving God and the experience of God. It is Jesus Christ who makes not only the experience of God a reality, but gives us a share in the supernatural, divine life of God. The Son of God became man not only to save us and bring about the kingdom of heaven, but to make us like God by giving us a share in the divine nature.