You are all light in the midst of the darkness of the world. When we learn to walk in Your light, we can also bring it to others.
By Steffi Siby
9 December 2020
Light breaks through the darkness, not the other way around. So it’s pretty clear which is the stronger entity, more powerful than the darkness. But this is easy to forget. There may be a vast expanse of darkness but only a small flicker of light is needed to pierce through it. God is the light we don’t realize we need till He breaks through and illuminates the darkness to reveal the truth about Himself.
Living in Darkness
During my season of darkness and despair which lasted for years, I turned away from God and stayed in the darkness. He doesn’t impose on us and try to drag us out of the shadows. I can stay in the dark and fumble and stumble if I wish to. But God doesn’t want that for me. In my life, I profoundly experienced the darkness of my own mind. I felt trapped, alone and fearful. Guilt, shame and worthlessness took hold of me. I could see no way out; but now, I am completely different. I can feel peace. This is how I know Jesus is my Savior.
You may be wondering why anyone would willingly stay in the darkness. Well, it isn’t always easy to distinguish between the light and the dark. The darkness of this world can masquerade as something. Pope Benedict XVI called these ‘false infinities’. These are the things that can take God’s place in our lives: comforts, wealth, approval of others. More subtle things can also creep in such as an attitude of self-reliance, trying to solve all our problems on our own and not realizing our limitations and need for God’s mercy and grace. All these worldly things may offer temporary solutions but not the everlasting light of God.
There’s a lot of darkness in this world. There’s no denying that and we must not be ignorant of this fact either. We have to acknowledge it, take responsibility for our sins and improve what we can. Giving into the despair and darkness doesn’t help anyone; it just adds to the darkness.
I am chosen by God who called me out of the darkness of sin and into the light and life of Christ so I can proclaim the excellence and greatness of who He is.
1 Peter 2:9
When you share a candle flame, it multiplies. Sharing your flame helps light up others. In darkness, there is no sharing. You feel alone and most likely fear creeps in.
A Glimmer of Hope
Being a light also means being a glimmer of hope. You don’t have to have all the answers and solutions to someone else’s problems. But remember, a little flicker of light can become a blazing fire. This in turn can provide truth to more people, thus spreading the light further. Your words and actions have the power to create hope, peace and joy.
Once you have that hope, peace and joy, you can hold onto it. This is not done by your own merit but by God’s grace.
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28
This verse played out in my life in a very real and significant way; God brought hope out of my pain. The witness of how I have overcome the darkest, most painful part of my life can give hope to others.
We all need to bear witness by proclaiming what God has done in our lives. It may not be immediately apparent; but He brings light in, performs miracles in each of us interiorly and exteriorly all the time. He does this so many times and in so many ways. Imagine if we could all acknowledge and appreciate this and share it. It would break through the world’s darkness substantially.
Being a Light To Others
However, when we are being a light to others, it is important to remember that we ourselves are not the source.
The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world.
John 1:9
The true light is and always will be Jesus. We are vehicles, ambassadors through which others can experience Him, especially people living in the darkness, the countless people who don’t know the truth of the gospel.
We all have a story of hope, of renewal, of transformation which has enabled us to get to where we are today. More than ever, in this time, we must aim to be the light. The season of Advent is a much needed time of light to end this year which has brought much darkness in the form of the pandemic. The future of the coronavirus is still uncertain, but our identity as God’s children is always certain.
We can be bearers of the light and followers of the source of light who is Jesus.
Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.
Matthew 5:16
This verse shows how through shining our light, God is glorified and not ourselves. December 13th is the feast of St. Lucy who is the patroness of light.
St. Lucy, pray for us.
Read more about bearing the Light of Christ here.

Steffi Siby lives in Blackpool, England. She posts on her blog weekly. She shares her testimony here, and hopes to keep writing about the love of Christ.
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