“Is heaven my lot?” It should be the most pressing question. It’s a question everyone should ask daily—several times. But something strange—better yet, sinister—has happened.
Archives for May 2019
Jesus Christ is the Truth Incarnate: A Sign of Contradiction In Present Times
Repeating the words of Pontius Pilate as he reacts to Jesus’ compelling witness, too many of our contemporaries ask: “What is truth?” As current events challenge our innermost beliefs, we feel compelled to search for answers about our human existence and the meaning of our lives.
A Poetic Reflection On The Virgin Mary
Having converted to Catholicism in my late teens, I had little experience or knowledge of The Virgin Mary, our Blessed Mother. I honored her mostly at Christmas time, knowing that she was called “Blessed” and that she carried our Savior in her womb.
Seeing the Bigger Picture: The Modern Attack on the Church
The modern attack on the Church is perpetrated by Satan, whose deception and trickery is fooling people into thinking the Church is herself a source of evil in the world.
Reflecting on Mother’s Day: The Decline of Motherhood In The West
Is Happy Mothers Day dead, save for the last of a few radical, antiquated holdouts?