For those of you who are having a hard time getting in the Christmas Spirit or finding joy in your daily life, I understand. I tenaciously pursue God’s joy but have been like a treasure hunter searching for treasure in North America while using a map of Asia. Suffice to say, it’s not working out for me.
Archives for December 2023
Go and Sin No More: Set Free by the Sacrament of Confession
In the last chapter of his Autobiography, entitled “The Man with a Golden Key”, GK Chesterton wrote: “When people ask me, or indeed anybody else, “Why did you join the Church of Rome?” the first essential answer, if it is partly an elliptical answer, is, “To get rid of my sins.”
The Solemnity of The Immaculate Conception: The Virgin Mary Lights The Path To A Fruitful Advent
In virtue of the sweet Virgin’s sinless life of exemplary faith, hope and charity, she is rightly honored as the preeminent model of the perfect Christian.