How many people do we personally know that inspire us to pursue holiness? Saintly inspiration is more than merely attending church functions or choosing the “Catholic” label on social media. It requires a passionate surrendering of our entire self to Jesus Christ.
A Modern Parable about Authentic Evangelization
Evangelization is about more than simply going out and giving witness to Jesus Christ. For any evangelization to be effective, it must be backed up by a sound structure of liturgy and catechesis at the parish level.
Gallup Diocese Lowers the Age of Confirmation
On February 11th, 2019, Bishop James S. Wall announced that the Roman Catholic Diocese of Gallup will be restoring the Sacraments of Initiation to their proper order: Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Communion. The Gallup Diocese is only the latest in a slow, but steady, movement.
Errors in Confirmation Catechesis Are Today Prevalent
I am often recruited to speak at Confirmation events around the Midwest and, in the past, I would offer a “test” to check the candidates’ understanding of Confirmation. Unfortunately, nearly every student provided an incorrect definition. What is worse, sometimes priests and catechists could not provide a correct definition either. What is the sacrament of Confirmation?
Christmas and Evangelization: Why did Jesus come and why do Christians go?
Like the shepherds, we encounter Christ in a very personal way at every Mass–especially in the Eucharist. Yet it is not enough to simply and passively receive this great gift with joy. Joy naturally is received and shared. The full meaning of Christmas and its encounter with the Christ-child moves us to become evangelists, that such an immense joy might be shared with all.