The season of Lent is penitential in character. Blessed Paul VI teaches in his apostolic constitution Paenitemini that “by divine law all the faithful are required to do penance” (Chapter III, I., 1).
It’s Not Possible To Be Catholic and Agree With Socialism
Is it possible to be Catholic and agree with Socialism? Every pope from Pius XI to Benedict XVI has clearly said “no.”
Relativism Has A Lot To Do With America Today
Relativism has a lot to do with America’s present ills. It can be linked to the increasing tendency to dismantle and overthrow what is right and good and beautiful. It’s at least partly responsible for the war on the American way of life and our history. It leads to an emotionally fueled hate for truth.
Sacred Tradition: It’s Vital to the Life of the Christian
One point of contention between Catholics and many Protestants is the subject of Tradition. Protestants maintain that the Bible alone (sola scriptura) is the sole rule of faith; neither the authority of the Catholic Church nor the existence of Sacred Tradition should play any role in determining what Christians believe.
Is Jesus Really Divine?
C.S. Lewis put forth this argument: Jesus is either Lord, liar or a lunatic. You must decide. There is no alternative.