What’s going on in America? What’s behind the street riots, the increasing racial and social division, the leftist bent found in the mainstream news media, and the social conditioning going on in colleges and universities? Is all of this just a coincidence?
Saint Clare and The Path of Simplicity
We learn from St. Clare both the importance of giving one’s life to Christ as well as the sublime, eternal rewards of doing so. When we leave the fleeting, temporary created objects of the world behind, no longer placing our trust in them, we are freed from the burden of heavy, material chains and thus allowed to more clearly perceive the beautiful and sublime bounty of the Beloved.
Saint Lawrence, Deacon and Martyr
Today Catholics around the world celebrate the Feast of St. Lawrence, Deacon and Martyr, who fell victim to the Christian persecution of A.D. 258 under the Roman emperor Valerian. At the beginning of the month of August, the emperor issued a decree commanding that all members of the Catholic clergy be put to death.
Seeing Signs of Christ All Around Us
Signs of Christ abound all around us. However, the gifts of faith and wisdom are required before we can possess eyes with supernatural vision and hearts filled with supernatural love.
Three Parables About The Kingdom of Christ
In our gospel today, our Lord Jesus Christ presents us with three fascinating and mysterious parables describing the kingdom of heaven.