I’ve just released a new book titled, “Dialogue With The Saints: Catholic Saint Stories to Catechize Youth, Teens, and Parents.” More than just a storybook on the saints, “Dialogue With The Saints” is written as an educational and catechetical tool for Catholic teens, parents, and others.
Turn The Other Cheek and The Virtue of Charity
Turn the other cheek? Offer no resistance to one who is evil? What do these commands of our Lord Jesus Christ mean? And how are they tied to holiness and the virtue of charity?
Persevering In the Faith and Receiving the Crown of Life
Persevering in the faith requires that it be tested. You must prove your mettle before God who allows you to be perfected in the fires of trails and difficulties that you may win the crown of life.
The Commandments: Gifts of Love for The Sake of Love
Presently, we live in an anti-law, exaggerated-freedom culture. What do I mean by this? It’s not so much that we Americans see civil or criminal law as a problem, rather it’s that many Americans are often dismissive of the moral law, and view it as an oppressive, burdensome freedom-killer.
Does Forgiving Mean Forgetting?
Forgiveness of others is required of all who bear the name of Jesus. Those who refuse, cannot be associated with Christ, for in doing so they also refuse to extend compassion as their Master has extended it to them. In order to forgive others, it is necessary to will it as Christ himself willed to die on the cross for our sake.