Giving Holy Communion to anti-life Catholic politicians is an extremely serious thing to do, for many reasons. The question is, is it ever a truly good thing to do?
Did Jesus Have To Die On The Cross?
Given humankind’s fallen state, God had to do something radical to move men’s hearts to conversion; otherwise, we would hardly have noticed.
3 Myths About Same-Sex Attraction And What The Church Really Teaches
Harmful anti-Catholic myths are promoted when people are misinformed and/or misunderstand what the Church teaches about same-sex attraction and homosexual behavior. Read on to learn what the Church really teaches about these issues.
‘Follow Me,’ says The Lord, and Become ‘Fishers of Men’
Fishers of men must be courageous, enterprising, and persistent. Although there may seem to be little to catch, the nets must be persistently cast again and again.
The New Evangelization and Its Connection to Voting In November: Strive To Heal, Elevate and Perfect Culture
Authentic participation in the New Evangelization requires the proper exercise of the right and duty to vote. When I stand before Jesus Christ, will I be able to justify my voting choices, or will whatever I say merely be an unsuccessful attempt to rationalize them? The answer to that question makes all the difference.