Fishers of men must be courageous, enterprising, and persistent. Although there may seem to be little to catch, the nets must be persistently cast again and again.
The New Evangelization and Its Connection to Voting In November: Strive To Heal, Elevate and Perfect Culture
Authentic participation in the New Evangelization requires the proper exercise of the right and duty to vote. When I stand before Jesus Christ, will I be able to justify my voting choices, or will whatever I say merely be an unsuccessful attempt to rationalize them? The answer to that question makes all the difference.
Through Mary Salvation is Brought to the World
All history, past, present and future, culminates in Jesus Christ, the Son of God who became man and assumed human nature in order to restore humanity, that we might gain what was lost. This sublime and priceless gift of God became a reality through Mary’s total “yes” to the salvific will of the Father.
The Holy Family and Today’s Herods
The Holy Family stands over and against today’s Herods who seek to devalue marriage, upend and destroy the family and its authentic meaning.
What is The Dogma of The Immaculate Conception?
If we don’t understand what the Immaculate Conception means, we can’t really understand how God prepared the way for his Son to enter history. We can’t understand Mary’s role in it. We can’t even understand our destiny—not fully, anyway.