We live in a scientific age that lays heavy stress upon the importance of empirical observation and data. Some believe that only science is a reliable source of valid evidence and information. Where does this leave faith? Are faith and science incompatible?
Homosexual and Transgender Activists Seek to Re-Construct Social Order
Homosexual and trans activists intend to reconstruct the social order—that’s the bottom line. Their key tools for bringing this about are the indoctrination of children in public schools, the media and film industries, political influence, sympathetic legislators, and judges who will enshrine their relativistic agendas into law. But that’s not all. Their trump card is a hyper-sexualized culture.
Sit at The Master’s Feet, as Did Mary, and Choose The Better Part
Sit at the Master’s feet, as did Mary. She chose the better part because she is seated at the feet of Wisdom Incarnate, Jesus Christ, who is not only the source of all truth but is Truth Itself.
Is The Papacy A Human Invention?
Is the papacy a human invention? Protestants claim it is. 16th century Protestant revolutionaries like Martin Luther chose to not only deny the authority of the pope but to reject the office entirely. However, the Bible tells a different story.
Independence Day: The Battle for Freedom Continues
America’s celebration of its victory in the battle for freedom and independence should serve to remind us all that true freedom is under attack today. Secular humanism and the “culture of death” continue to undermine an authentic human freedom.