The recent Pew Forum survey findings articulate what we already know: we’re in the midst of a terrible crisis of faith. There’s lots of reasons for it. Perhaps the most crucial question is, what do you believe about the Eucharist?
‘Come, Follow Me’ Says Jesus. He Says These Words To You.
“Come, follow Me.” Have you heard those words? If you haven’t, you’ve not been paying attention. Maybe you’ve been too immersed in the noise of the world. Maybe you’ve plugged your ears. Maybe you’re afraid. Hurt. Injured.
Saint Dominic: Imaging Christ Who is Truth and Life
St. Dominic is known for his life of prayer, heroic virtue, sanctity, and penance. Tireless were his efforts to preach the saving gospel, assist the poor, and teach the belief of the Church. His mission was that of Christ: the salvation of all.
The Complementarity of Faith and Science
We live in a scientific age that lays heavy stress upon the importance of empirical observation and data. Some believe that only science is a reliable source of valid evidence and information. Where does this leave faith? Are faith and science incompatible?
Homosexual and Transgender Activists Seek to Re-Construct Social Order
Homosexual and trans activists intend to reconstruct the social order—that’s the bottom line. Their key tools for bringing this about are the indoctrination of children in public schools, the media and film industries, political influence, sympathetic legislators, and judges who will enshrine their relativistic agendas into law. But that’s not all. Their trump card is a hyper-sexualized culture.