Are you saved? The entire biblical story is about that question. But why does it so often surprise Catholics?
Do All People Go To Heaven? Does Religion Matter?
“Is heaven my lot?” It should be the most pressing question. It’s a question everyone should ask daily—several times. But something strange—better yet, sinister—has happened.
Baptism In The Holy Spirit at St. Joseph Church
Baptism in the Holy Spirit was the focus during last night’s healing and prayer ministry session at St. Joseph Church. What is “baptism in the Spirit” and what does it mean for the faithful of the Church?
Jesus Works Miracle Healings at St. Joseph Church
It was a truly amazing, spiritually enriching and faith-filled night. After the presentation, adoration, praise and prayer services, over a dozen people raised their hands to give witness to the experience of physical healing.
Self-Entrustment to Christ is The Key to Fullness of Life
When you comply with Jesus’ wishes, giving yourself over confidently to him in self-entrustment, however difficult or counter-intuitive it may seem, the unexpected happens: a course is set toward a new, sublime horizon of life.