Saint Ignatius of Antioch: “Let everyone revere the deacons as Jesus Christ, the bishop as the image of the Father, and the presbyters as the senate of God and the assembly of the Apostles. For without them one cannot speak of the Church.”
Lent of Conviction and Lent of Love
Catholicism is a most excellent, healthy and fulfilling way of life. It is the way to happiness in Christ. Let us not forget that Christ died for his Church in order for his words of truth and sacraments of life to be passed on to all future generations, which makes the Church and her words of truth necessary.
3 Ways To Make Your Lent More Fruitful
Here are some simple suggestions anyone can put into practice to make their Lent more fruitful.
A Lenten Reflection On Repentance
The most profound call to repentance is experienced as we go before the Cross this Lenten season, as we kneel there along with our Blessed Mother, as we gaze upon our loving Savior who gave entirely of himself for love of us—even though we are sinners.
Making More Out of Lent: The Way of Beginners and The Prayer Garden
The Catholic spiritual tradition has defined three categories reflecting particular degrees of spiritual advancement. These are 1) The Purgative Way; 2) The Illuminative Way; 3) The Unitive Way. To begin, let’s enlist the help of St. Teresa of Avila and her analogy of a gardener cultivating a garden that the Lord will find pleasing.