During the Vatican Abuse Summit, Italian journalist Sandro Magister asked Archbishop Charles Scicluna of Malta why the word “homosexuality” was absent from the abuse summit’s opening day presentations. Was the word’s absence “inadvertent and random” or was it “deliberate?”
St. Polycarp, Bishop and Martyr In Conformity to Christ
Although there are many remedies to the poisons of bad example, the saints stand as role-models of heroic sanctity, holiness, and fortitude. They are unique and unrepeatable persons of excellence for every age. St. Polycarp is one such person.
Even In The Midst of Turmoil and Confusion, I Thank God for St. Peter and The Papacy
I’m well aware of the turmoil, conflict and division that has reared its ugly head during the reign of Pope Francis. Even so, I thank the Lord Jesus Christ for the papacy and the hierarchical structure of the Spirit-guided Church.
The Mystery of Jesus’ Partial Healing of the Blind Man in Mark’s Gospel
In today’s gospel, the evangelist Mark is making a statement about how the disciples failed to see clearly who Jesus is. He is not suggesting that Jesus’ power to physically heal the blind man was inadequate or limited in some way.
The Closer You Get To Jesus, The More Exciting and Meaningful Your Life Becomes
Do you often think about how you wish things could be different? With Jesus, they will be. Have you noticed that the closer you get to Christ, strange, new, and unexpected things start happening?