The Christian life is necessarily a countercultural life; it cannot be otherwise. For the only alternative is to live for the spirit of the world rather than for the love of God.
Ash Wednesday: What’s The Big Deal With Ashes?
Ash Wednesday often draws crowds to Mass, rivaling Christmas and Easter. What’s so attractive about getting ashes smeared on one’s forehead?
Finding Consolation in Understanding the Limits of the Pope’s Power and Authority
The Church is suffering from a terrible crisis. How bad is it? Catholic historians and theologians think it is perhaps the worst it has ever been. Can it be traced, in part, to a misunderstanding of the pope’s authority?
Archbishop Scicluna: Homosexual Verses Heterosexual ‘Categories’ and ‘Conditions’
During the Vatican Abuse Summit, Italian journalist Sandro Magister asked Archbishop Charles Scicluna of Malta why the word “homosexuality” was absent from the abuse summit’s opening day presentations. Was the word’s absence “inadvertent and random” or was it “deliberate?”
St. Polycarp, Bishop and Martyr In Conformity to Christ
Although there are many remedies to the poisons of bad example, the saints stand as role-models of heroic sanctity, holiness, and fortitude. They are unique and unrepeatable persons of excellence for every age. St. Polycarp is one such person.