Cardinal Müller has issued a “Manifesto of Faith” as a corrective against doctrinal confusion, moral relativism, indifference toward Jesus Christ and the Church he founded, and dissent from the Church’s perennial teaching on faith and morals.
Sandmann Family Hires Famed Libel Lawyer to Seek Justice For Defamatory Accusations and Cyberbullying
It seems the attacks against Nick Sandmann’s personal character were based on three main factors: 1) he’s Catholic; 2) he was present at the March for Life event in Washington; and 3) he was wearing a MAGA hat, which, for purposes of orchestrating political tear-down’s against President Trump, has been deemed “racist” attire.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo Signs Radically Anti-Life Legislation Into Law, Allows For Brutal Late-Term Abortions
With a sweep of gubernatorial pen, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo legalized the intention killing of pre-born children in cases of fetal inviability or when necessary to protect a mother’s life or health—in effect opening wide the door to brutal and diabolically evil late-term abortions on demand.
The Holy Family and Holiness
Today the Catholic Church celebrates The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. It’s no accident that Jesus was born into such a human family, a holy family that itself was the first Christian family who dwelt in the first Christian home.
Life, Purpose and Destiny: Only One Person Can Answer Your Deepest Human Questions
There are some questions science, society and sociology cannot answer. They are common to every human heart. There is only one Person who can answer these questions: the Word made flesh.