Pope Paul VI’s Humanae Vitae, promulgated three years after the close of the Second Vatican Council, rapidly became at the time of its release the most intensely mocked and reviled Church document in centuries, perhaps amassing more derision than any other solemn teaching of the Church in the entire history of Christendom.
Responding to Mighty Deeds
Today’s gospel serves as a powerful lesson—admonishment—against Catholics who have been entrusted with the fullness of divine revelation and the treasury of the Christian faith in Christ, yet have nevertheless squandered it through acts of injustice, apostasy, and heresy toward the Tripersonal God.
Video: Faith, Reason and Science
This video explores the complementarity of faith, reason, and science, and answers the critique that faith is unnecessary since science can answer every important question.
Is God After You?
At all times and places, God labors to draw you to himself. Are you aware of God’s presence? The prophet Hosea gives a beautiful description of the gracious mercy and compassion of God, who allures his fallen people to himself by speaking to their hearts with words of love.
Blessed Are Those Who Have Not Seen and Have Believed
When Jesus said, “Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed,” he emphasized the importance of the virtue of faith. Through faith, we seek Whom we cannot see and enter into a personal relationship with Jesus. It’s about getting to know who he really is. Doing so requires reaching out in self-entrustment.