Whether we realize it or not, we are all searching for the five transcendentals: perfect truth, love, beauty, goodness/justice and being—although many people engage this search in a confused, haphazard or even disordered way.
The Kingdom of Heaven: Bringing our lives under the sovereign rule of Christ
“I want to die for that man.” I do not think St. Kolbe primarily had Franciszek Gajowniczek in mind when he uttered those unforgotten words.
For To Him Who Has Will More Be Given
One reason Jesus speaks in parables is because, for people of faith, they reveal the mysteries of God, conveying spiritual, supernatural, and moral meaning; for those lacking faith, parables seem to be little more than children’s stories based on experience of the natural world.
Teacher, We Wish to See a Sign from You
The goal is to see with clarity. God’s grace is required for that, but also our own efforts are indispensable. In seeking eyes that see with the light of God, we must live by the light of Christ.
Christ Warns Against Complacency
The contemporary danger is this: if as Catholics we have become complacent, if we are merely “going along to get along” out of fear of division, hurt feelings or governed by false tolerance, then we lack the courage which the Spirit gives and we have in fact laid down the cross of Christ.