In this Sunday’s gospel (Mt 10:26-33), Jesus speaks to the Twelve about what should be the real object of their fear. “Fear no one,” the Savior insists, but the “one who can destroy both soul and body in Gehenna.”
Getting Creative With Dead Bodies?
These days, people are coming up with all kinds of creative ideas. Some of these are morally good and praiseworthy. Others not so much.
Remain In My Love
Uniting your human will to Christ brings happiness. This is an essential concept which the world has long rejected and which people find perplexing and difficult. Isn’t my happiness found in complete human freedom? says the worldly post-modern autonomist.
I Believe That I May Understand
Through the gift of faith we are enabled to assent fully and freely to the entire content of God’s revelation in Jesus Christ.
Supernatural Revelation and Humanity: Christ’s Deeds and Words Bring Definitive Meaning To Human Life
“In reality it is only in the mystery of the Word made flesh that the mystery of man truly becomes clear” (Gaudium et Spes 22 § 1). Jesus is the way and the truth and the life, who himself illuminates our lives.