To become a new wineskin you must be re-created. The Spirit of Love does the work, but you must also do your part in response to his unfailing Love.
The 21st Century War Against Moral Discernment
The new pagans of this age labor to guard their false philosophies by annihilating judgment. Even Christians can be swayed by their influence. The Bible, however, does not prohibit objective moral judgment of others, but rather encourages it. Jesus Christ himself urges brotherly and fraternal correction (see Mt 18:15).
Pope Francis: Freedom Means Always Choosing the Good; A Challenge in Today’s World
Freedom means always choosing the good, which is a challenge in today’s world that must be met with courage and resolve in order to attain to our human destiny of eternal communion with God.
Combating the Secularist Elitist Attack on Motherhood: Gain Understanding and Fortification Through Jesus and Mary
United to her Son, Mary provides the example of motherhood par excellence. The Father chose Mary, with her human, maternal and feminine nature, to bring salvation to the world in his Son. As we reflect on this one fact, we discover that nothing greater can be said of motherhood.
The Mystery of the Word made Flesh Unveils the Mystery of Humankind
Today we are privileged to have access to an astonishing and entirely unique event in human history, bestowing on humankind a new, in fact divine, way of understanding what it means to be human.