The solution to the present disunity and doctrinal confusion in contemporary Christendom, the answers to questions about who man is, the nature of the human person and the nature of the institution of marriage, and much more, are all found within the womb of holy mother Church.
The Divine Liturgy: Sacred Action of Christ and His Body, The Church
In the sacred, earthly liturgy the work of our redemption is accomplished as we participate in the fullness of divine worship, consume the Risen Lord, and receive a foretaste of the heavenly liturgy celebrated in the holy City of God (cf. SC 1, 2, 8, 47).
An Independence Day Reflection
Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Those words, written over two centuries ago, still resonate in the depths of our hearts, not simply because they are lofty ideals for which we find ourselves compelled to strive, but because they reflect an aspect of man’s irrepressible desire to attain and enjoy human fulfillment.
Made In His Image: Catholic Anthropology and Human Dignity
The anthropology of the Church points to the Incarnation as the definitive answer to man’s deepest questions about himself, for “it is only in the mystery of the Word made flesh that the mystery of man truly becomes clear” (GS 22 § 1).
Life In The Spirit
In his book “The Experience of God’s Presence,” Fr. Anselm Moynihan quotes from an American writer who, in referring to a group of university students, describes them as living “in comfortable disregard of the superhuman. They are neither in revolt against it, nor in search of it. Religion as a social service they find all about them, and they respect. Religion as something relating to God they neither know nor miss.”