A quote often attributed to St. Francis of Assisi is, “Preach the Gospel at all times, and when necessary use words.” This quote is often used to emphasize the importance and value of living the Gospel life by example. Obviously, we cannot evangelize for Christ if our own lives fail to bear the marks of ardent discipleship.
The Immaculate Conception
The Catechism of the Catholic Church explains: “What the Catholic faith believes about Mary is based on what it believes about Christ, and what it teaches about Mary illumines in turn its faith in Christ”
Reflection: The Forgotten Sense Of Sin In The Modern World
The Second Vatican Council spoke of upheavals in a new age of history in which some aspects of man’s intelligence have recoiled upon him, “upon his judgments and desires, both individual and collective, upon his ways of thinking and acting in regard to people and things.”
The Most Holy Trinity: Supreme Model of Family And Marriage
“Dear Christian families, proclaim joyfully to the whole world the wonderful treasure which you, as domestic churches, possess! Christian couples, in your communion of life and love, in your mutual self-giving and in your generous openness to children, become, in Christ, the light of the world.”
Reflection: “Go Into The Whole World And Proclaim The Gospel To Every Creature”
It is so unfortunate that so many fail to look for and embrace the beauty of the Catholic Church Christ so wisely and lovingly established in the midst of the world. Many trudge through each day, their heart aching for happiness, their intellect craving that Truth for which there are no words to describe.