The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit are received by virtue of the sacrament of Baptism and increased through the sacrament of Confirmation. What are these gifts? What are they about? Let’s take a brief look at them.
The Beatitudes: Self-Portrait of Christ
The Beatitudes are like a self-portrait of Christ. They look beyond the struggles of this life to eternal life to come. They proclaim that the blessings of the New Covenant will be fully realized in heaven.
Hope, Patience and Prayer
Are you a Martha or a Mary? One of my favourite stories of Jesus is that of Mary and Martha. It has also been coming up in daily readings and talks for the past week.
Who’s Included in the Communion of Saints?
Whose included in or excluded from the Church and the communion of saints? Are heretics, apostates, and schismatics full fledged members of the Church? Are they members of the elect? Are they holy persons in Christ?
Palm Sunday: Why Did Jesus Have To Die On A Roman Cross?
Was it absolutely necessary for Jesus to be brutally crucified on a Roman cross in order to redeem humankind? Could God have chosen some other way? Perhaps. But I cannot think of a better way.