Denise Grady, a reporter for the New York Times, gave this eye-opening perspective on August 15, 2012 while reflecting on the death of this prolific-pro-life icon, “’It was such a shock to think that anyone would kill an innocent human being,’ she told a television interviewer.
Anti-Catholic Bias Is Not Dead
Anti-Catholic bias is far from dead. Wrong assumptions. Errors. Misunderstandings. Even fear-based propaganda about the Church, what Catholics believe, and how we worship is not uncommon. What’s to be done? Plenty.
The Eucharist, Orthodoxy of Faith, and Salvation
The recent Pew Forum survey findings articulate what we already know: we’re in the midst of a terrible crisis of faith. There’s lots of reasons for it. Perhaps the most crucial question is, what do you believe about the Eucharist?
The Pool of Bethesda and the Legend of the Stirring of the Water
In today’s gospel, we hear about how Jesus healed the ill man at the pool of Bethesda, known for its mysterious legend which includes healing powers and the stirring of its waters.
YouTuber Lizzie Reezay Announces She’s Becoming Catholic
Instrumental in Lizzie Reezay’s decision to enter into full communion with the Church was becoming historically conscious of the early Church and her members: the Christians of the first few centuries. She discovered that the first Christians were indeed Catholic.