I can’t imagine the mental torture Jesus went through before his death. His human side began to tremble and quake knowing his death was going to be the most painful one known to man.
Catholic Life
Deacon Fournier: Ash Wednesday is a Holy Day of Invitation not Obligation
I refer to Ash Wednesday as a Holy Day of INVITATION. An invitation is given from the Holy Spirit, acting through the Church, the Body of Christ, inviting us into forty days of prayer, repentance, fasting, interior house cleaning, conversion and charity. It is a time to begin anew, in the Lord.
Who’s Included in the Communion of Saints?
Whose included in or excluded from the Church and the communion of saints? Are heretics, apostates, and schismatics full fledged members of the Church? Are they members of the elect? Are they holy persons in Christ?
Romanticized Use: Hollywood’s Version of Valentine’s Day
If it looks like love and sounds like love then it sells as love. The problem? Our culture has romanticized using another person for personal pleasure.
Sin and Death, Virtue and Life: The Choice is Yours
Sin and death, virtue and life. The prophet Ezekiel reminds us that these are the realities we face. Contrary to the moral permissiveness of the present age, we must take life and the choices we make seriously—very.