Are you saved? The entire biblical story is about that question. But why does it so often surprise Catholics?
Catholic Life
Sin and Grace: the Thief and the Gift
Sin is a thief and grace is pure gift. Sin destroys and grace heals. I’ve found that the destruction and harm sin brings, especially sexual sin, comes back to haunt us again and again.
A Far Occasion Of Sin
As I watch a monk enjoy his meal, I look at my life, and I am greatly tempted to walk away from all of it. What do I have that I cannot do without?
Jesus Christ is the Truth Incarnate: A Sign of Contradiction In Present Times
Repeating the words of Pontius Pilate as he reacts to Jesus’ compelling witness, too many of our contemporaries ask: “What is truth?” As current events challenge our innermost beliefs, we feel compelled to search for answers about our human existence and the meaning of our lives.
Reflecting on Mother’s Day: The Decline of Motherhood In The West
Is Happy Mothers Day dead, save for the last of a few radical, antiquated holdouts?