In today’s gospel, Jesus exorcises the demoniacs, and then drives the demon-infested swine heard into the sea, demonstrating his divine power over Satan’s evil kingdom.
Courage Found in Christ: Fear no one, but only the one who can kill both body and soul
In this Sunday’s gospel (Mt 10:26-33), Jesus speaks to the Twelve about what should be the real object of their fear. “Fear no one,” the Savior insists, but the “one who can destroy both soul and body in Gehenna.”
I Believe That I May Understand
Through the gift of faith we are enabled to assent fully and freely to the entire content of God’s revelation in Jesus Christ.
Sometimes People Call Me The “Good Thief”
Sometimes people call me the “good thief.” Believe me, there’s no such thing as a “good thief.” I am the repentant thief. Today I’m called St. Dismas, but that title means nothing to me.
Man Does Not Live On Bread Alone
Through faithfully practicing the disciplines of Lent—prayer, fasting and almsgiving—we are led not only to more fully understand the meaning of those words but to make them the meaning of our life. Yet we cannot live by the Word of God if we refuse to give free and loving obedience to it; nor can we hear the Word of God if it is squelched by worldly listening.