In our gospel today, our Lord Jesus Christ presents us with three fascinating and mysterious parables describing the kingdom of heaven.
The Road to Emmaus and The Gift of The Church
The Road to Emmaus story teaches us about the immense gift of the Church and the Eucharist. In living the Catholic life and receiving Jesus at the table of the Lord, our minds are filled with grace and divine wisdom.
Palm Sunday of The Passion of the Lord 2020
On Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord, we celebrate our Lord Jesus Christ’s entry into Jerusalem, an entry into the city where he would be brutally crucified on a Roman cross to accomplish his Paschal Mystery.
Like Lazarus, We Wait in Faith and Hope, Entombed in Darkness
We wait in faith and hope, analogously entombed in darkness, following in the way of Lazarus. Yet Christ is coming. The resurrection is in your future.
Turn The Other Cheek and The Virtue of Charity
Turn the other cheek? Offer no resistance to one who is evil? What do these commands of our Lord Jesus Christ mean? And how are they tied to holiness and the virtue of charity?