“Come, follow Me.” Have you heard those words? If you haven’t, you’ve not been paying attention. Maybe you’ve been too immersed in the noise of the world. Maybe you’ve plugged your ears. Maybe you’re afraid. Hurt. Injured.
Jesus Christ
Sit at The Master’s Feet, as Did Mary, and Choose The Better Part
Sit at the Master’s feet, as did Mary. She chose the better part because she is seated at the feet of Wisdom Incarnate, Jesus Christ, who is not only the source of all truth but is Truth Itself.
Do All People Go To Heaven? Does Religion Matter?
“Is heaven my lot?” It should be the most pressing question. It’s a question everyone should ask daily—several times. But something strange—better yet, sinister—has happened.
Jesus Works Miracle Healings at St. Joseph Church
It was a truly amazing, spiritually enriching and faith-filled night. After the presentation, adoration, praise and prayer services, over a dozen people raised their hands to give witness to the experience of physical healing.
The Unwitting Prophecy of The High Priest Caiaphas
Jesus Christ is the Son of Man who died for all. He is the One who voluntarily perished so that all could live, thrive and flourish—not just for a time, but forever and ever.