Like the shepherds, we encounter Christ in a very personal way at every Mass–especially in the Eucharist. Yet it is not enough to simply and passively receive this great gift with joy. Joy naturally is received and shared. The full meaning of Christmas and its encounter with the Christ-child moves us to become evangelists, that such an immense joy might be shared with all.
Liturgical Seasons
Build A Firm Foundation for Christmas, The Mass of Christ
As I grew up in the Church, my family celebrated Advent in the weeks leading up to Christmas day. We didn’t catapult from Thanksgiving right into Christmas, but anticipated Christmas, which deepened our understanding of its true meaning by nourishing our lives by faith in Christ—and that made all the difference.
An Advent Story: A Piece of My Journey
I think everyone agrees that they’re constantly searching for something. Some purpose. Some meaning. An answer you must have. A point of fulfillment you desire. Yet, if you’re honest with yourself, you never seem to fully possess what you’re seeking.
Reflecting on Pentecost: The Holy Spirit: Sanctifier and Giver of Life, Love and Truth
The celebration of Pentecost reminds us that right now, here in the present, the Spirit actively and constantly seeks human hearts that thirst for divine love and a new way of life.
What Do You Have To Do With Jesus of Nazareth?
What does the crucified Jesus of Nazareth have to do with you? What does Jesus of Nazareth have to do with your life and your happiness?