Relativism undermines the purpose of the human intellect, which is to seek, find and know the truth, most especially the ultimate Truth: God. Consequently, it is not only an affront to human dignity but also damages individuals and society, working to prevent people from attaining their destiny in eternal communion with God.
Relativism Has A Lot To Do With America Today
Relativism has a lot to do with America’s present ills. It can be linked to the increasing tendency to dismantle and overthrow what is right and good and beautiful. It’s at least partly responsible for the war on the American way of life and our history. It leads to an emotionally fueled hate for truth.
Whether God Exists
Contemporary man often sees himself as having arrived at a psychological maturity that has displaced God with the kingdom of man. In this obscurity, God becomes unnecessary. However, the existence of God is an intellectual question that demands serious treatment.
Is Eternal Life Boring? Will We Tire of Heaven?
Is it possible for eternal life to be boring? Will we tire of the “endless day” and the “unending now” of heaven? Might it be better not to live forever, as atheists often think?
The Complementarity of Faith and Science
We live in a scientific age that lays heavy stress upon the importance of empirical observation and data. Some believe that only science is a reliable source of valid evidence and information. Where does this leave faith? Are faith and science incompatible?