The “Are you saved?” question is, more often than not, a loaded question.
A Lenten Reflection on The Prodigal Son
The story of the prodigal son is one of my favorite parables. I love how Jesus provides the example of the father’s immense generosity, compassion and mercy to teach us about who God really is.
Hope, Patience and Prayer
Are you a Martha or a Mary? One of my favourite stories of Jesus is that of Mary and Martha. It has also been coming up in daily readings and talks for the past week.
Holy Spirit Conviction: Saving the Unborn
Denise Grady, a reporter for the New York Times, gave this eye-opening perspective on August 15, 2012 while reflecting on the death of this prolific-pro-life icon, “’It was such a shock to think that anyone would kill an innocent human being,’ she told a television interviewer.
I Make All Things New: A Reflection on The Healing Power of Christ
I have brokenness, and I have loved ones with brokenness. Whatever our response has been to the brokenness in our world, we need to inhale deeply of the truth that our Lord is the one who is making all things new.